Friday, 2 December 2011

There is No Originality Left in Hollywood Or Wahooo Another Horror Remake!

The Thing opens in cinemas today. It's apparently a prequel to the fantastic eighties, John Carpenter, horror classic. It could just as easily be a sequel or a remake, though. It seems lately that a massive percentage of films are either one of the dreaded S, P or R words. Now don't get me wrong I'm not completely against the afore mentioned types of movies, it's just I find it difficult to get excited for films such as Friday the 13th part 67: Jason Feeds the Ducks, or Saw part 8: No one cares anymore.

Then there's the versus movies that have started popping up. Only four people in the world enjoyed Alien Vs Predator (and three of them worked on the movie). Four less than that enjoyed the sequel. I actually quite liked Freddy vs Jason, though. Mainly because it featured Destiny's child member, Kelly 'she's not Beyonce but she'd still get it' Rowland, who thought it would be brave to have a go at taking on Jason... it didn't end well. Hollywood should continue this trend of sticking musical figures in versus films. Michael Myers VS Girls Aloud! People would love that. Although if this last year is anything to go by then we know the Americans wouldn't be able to understand Cheryl Cole's accent, (although we could just kill her off first...).
Then there's the ridiculous amount of rip off straight to DVD movies with near identical front covers; Paranormal Entity, anyone? Last year my mother in Law thought she'd found a bargain when she bought 2012:Doomsday for three quid from Tesco. She failed to realise it was some cheap rip off that had a fifteen pound budget, and that shot its distaster scenes in a bath tub with micro machines cars and the Thunderbird 4 submarine toy.

It's only a matter of time before they amp up hybrid genres and start mixing movies from completely different genres altogether. In the music world artists from different genres are always collaborating to try and keep things fresh and it seems everyone has someone featured on their latest single these days. So with that in mind I propose Die Hard, Feat. the cast of Saturday Night Fever... AKA Jive Hard!

Bruce Willis in a white vest and flares. Travolta with a machine gun. A final shootout to the Bee Gees classic Staying Alive. That's got billion dollar movie written all over it. I look forward to recieving my cheque, Hollywood.

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